Saturday, April 25, 2009

Me iz a Diiiirty B-atch!

- an I iz so 'appy 'bout it!

I iz zooo happy! I had a bath yesterday. Usually SCARY man! Bet yezterday, mummy held me under my tummy in the bath and I realised, I can ZWIM!

So today we wentzed to the forrezt. Were there a long long time. FUN FUN! And mum was so happy wiz me yesterday after my bath, zaid I wuz such a PRETTY girl, zoooo I thought I'd make her happy again and have another bath!

She wuz not at all so happy as she SHUDD have been! I even chose a better water than she did and EVERYTHING. Hers had this funny zmell - chemical like - but the water *I* choozez is zmelling like it should. Mudz and ztuff, much better for hiding doggiezmell from prey.

Zoooo. Why wuz she upset? I iz CONFUSED! She iz STRANGE!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Zzzooo. I wentz to the "vet" wiz mum 2day.

My bestest friend Naaah-Lah! wuz dere, but I only got to see her for a very very short time before I wuz put in a room and met a hoomanz wiz a white coat who stuck zumting really SHARP into my neck! STRAAANGE!

I hurted, so I cried a bit - but mum and Naaah-Lah!'s hooman Annika game me - like - a WHOLE meatball. I luvz meatballs!

Now I feelz a bit tired though. Must have been de ztrezz of da needle. Stooopid mum to take me to needlez-hooman!

Sunday, April 19, 2009



- one of ze (stooopid) catz split itself up in many parts yesterday, one big and 1-2-3 small ones, real Strange!

It was like when I do big-bizniz, but the bizniz was making sounds and moving, and Mommy ´n Daddy were re-aaaaly happy ´bout the small "turds".

I guess thats why the call them shitt-enz, oh somethang like zat - but still real Strange!

Anywho, I did show them I can too, so I made a re-aaaaaaly Big-Bizniz on the mat just outside the big den next to Mom´s n Dad´s - so now they know I can 2 - yeah!!

OkiDaaah - time to go ´n play wiz Naaah-laaah; my funny play-pal - when she duzzent "herd" me

/Leiii - Ah!


Another handy thing with spending time in the park with Annikas dogs is that I can relax my vigil of Leia. If she runs off too far, Annikas herder-mix Naala will bring her back. Just watch =)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Leia gets wet

Video - time

In the park with her new pack - Annikas' dogs.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Quick update

Its been pretty quiet in the CyberDog Blog for a few days - mainly because Daniel is out travelling this week and I'm alone with Leia and the cats. Busy busy and not a lot of time at the computer, either for me or Leia.

We've been out playing for hours on end in the day and I've had girl nights with my friends (and their dogs). Leia is developing in leaps and bounds. She can walk on a lead now, knows the commandos "wait" and "down" and "seek", had her first bath, and so on.

Leia tells me that her next post will be rather long and full of photos - so keep checking back, I think I'll let her at the computer tonight :)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A zweet day :)

Today, haz been grrrrreat!

In-door bizniz - check!
Outdoor bizniz - double-check!
Making daddy angry - C-C-C-C-HECK!
Making moooommy furious - (guess.....) Ka-Check!!
Frighten ze catz - H´ll-yeah-check!

Aaaaah - time to rezt, and make plans for more havoc 2-morrah.
/ Leiii - Ah!

Early teenager

Isn't 11 weeks old a bit early for a puppy to start teenage behaviour?

Leia has been absolutely IMPOSSIBLE today. Instead of staying close to us when we are out, she wasnt to run off as far as she can. Even when we run in the opposite direction she doesn't always come. Speaking of come, that's a command that she had started learning very well but completely "forgot" today.

Ah, and the biting! Soft mouth? I don't think so. I actually have puncture wounds on my hands from her freaking out today. We tried to stay calm and strong, and not get angry - but it's kind of hard not to feel some level of emtion when a pretty strong puppy jumps up and bites your throat - HARD - while she is in your arms.

Ah well, back a couple of squares. More training on contact and affirmation. NO more off-leash excercises. Lots of love and no attention at the wrong times. She's still our love-bunny, just a very feisty one today =)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Leia meets the cats

Leia meets Zoe - who is used to dogs and doesn't care

Leia meets Nisse, but is bored by him and preffers to play with the camera.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sleeping in the Park

This experience is AMAZING. Never did I know, through all my years of loving animals, just how soft and warm you can feel when looking at a sleeping puppy, and knowing that when she wakes the first thing she will look for is you.

Daniel and I went to the park today, in the sunny early afternoon. After about an hour of sniffing around, chewing yummy sticks and playing funny command learning games (mainly consisting of finding Daniel or me running off somewhere, setting chase, hearing "come Leia, COME!" and getting candy) Leia was exhausted. We brought water, of course, and after drinking a bit it was time to collapse in the sun.

We had a towel for her, but it was much nicer to sleep on Daniels jacket. Notice his reading material.

Having a relaxed moment in the spring sun.

After a while I sat down, and Leia decided that my lap was an ever comfier resting spot than Daniels jacket.

Ah, be still my heart! Leia slept like a baby (which she is) for almost an hour here.

We tried to wake her up (notice my hand on her tummy) because we needed to get back home and wanted her to wake up and preferably go to the bathroom again before we got back inside.

But the moment I stopped rubbing her belly, this happened:

I'm a novice at this, but I would say that this is not a puppy with trust issues :) It can be hard to see in the picture (click it for a bigger version) but Leia is fast asleep on my knees, again.

We carried her to the spot nearer our home which is her designated "quick potty" area and Daniel went home because he needed to "go potty" too :) Leia and I spent another 30 minutes or so there, but no sign of any need to go, so finally I gave up and brought her home.

This time around we walked the whole way home (well, its only about 100 yards) along the very well populated road. We live on one of Gothenburgs busiest streets (people, not so much traffic) and with a lot of patience, love and attention (and tiiiime!) Leia walked all the way home. That's another first! Go Leia!

When we were about to cross the street a tram came by, which scared her a LOT. She has never been on the ground when one passes before. I used a lot of calm energy and took the pack protector role by placing my body between her and the tram, paying her no attention at all but focusing on the tram, until it had passed. I'm hoping I'm sending the signals of "pack leader facing the danger and scaring it off" - but no way to know until the next tram comes by =)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 weeks and 4 days

Heyas y'all! This is Leiii - Ah!

Ooooh, my days are filled with fun, fun FUN! I getz LOTS of love when I remember to be calm and happy. Itz HARD man! When I seez Moommy and Daddy I just want to love on them and kiss them and eat them up. Daddys big outer fur that he uses outside is espezzally yummy to bite, and mommys litteler outer fur (zwetter?) is SO nice cuz it has pockets and there are always treats for me there. I luv treats! SO I getz happy whenever they walk into my den (kizzen?) and tell them how much I luvz them - but they just IGNORE me!!! STRANGE! Still, they always luv on me after a while, when I iz calmed down. So I getz the luv anyway, hah!

Every day we goez Outside. Outside iz a BIG place, man! There iz lots and lots of people in the Outside, and also big metal thingamajigs like the one I came here in, and even bigger, really STRANGE metal thingies that makes lots of noise and sparkz! Yesterday we walked up to one that was quiet and walked INSIDE it!!! There was luts and luts of people inside. Then it woke up, with us inside it, and started moving and shaking and making noise. Daddy was holding me and I wuz a little afraid, but when I whined and Mommy and Daddy were both very relaxed, and too busy to hear me (STRANGE!!) I calmed down right away. They were not afraid and so I gezz there wuz nuthing to be afraid of. I iz no longer afraid of any of the metal thingies, big or small. They cant hurt me cuz my Mummy and Daddy are big and strong and will NOT let anything happen to me. I have da GREATEST pack-leaders in the whole wide world.

Yesterday evening wuz very funny. I got to go outside my den, the kizzen, and into the bigger den. There I met some really STRANGE animals! They is called "catz". I had met some of them before. There is many of them (one, two, three, many - right?) and some are nice and some goes hzzzzzzzzz at me. STRANGE! All I want to do is play but they getz all HZZZ-y with me! I think they iz stooopid. But mommy said I still had to link to their webbpages from my blog - so you gots some links to the stoopid catz. Pah!

Mommy said it will calm down soon, once they getz used to me. Daddy said he had put them into "Puppy school" to learn about KEWL dogz like me. He even took pictures, look!'

I likes my new toy that they got for me too... Its a little squeaky thing that is much softer on my gums than the chewing thingies. Those are nice too, espezzaly when my gums itch, but dit little one is nicest! Only boring thing is that they never let me keep it when they is not in my den. Says its too small. Isn't dat the point? STRANGE!

My favvo place to play is on mommys legs. Iz very handy since dat means I have a soft spot to fall asleep when I getz tired from playing. Mommy sez she wishes her things were NOT soft but hard, but I don't agree at ALL!

I almost forgot! When we got out of dat big metal thingy yesterday we were in this HUGE green place. I met a friend of mommys and 2 other really BOORING dogz there. They waz both much faster dan me... Note to self: Work to become faster dan stupid dogz. Mommy was ALL ezzited that I ran to her when she called me, but REALLY. There was always treats! Of CUZ I come then? I think Mommy thinks really STRANGE things are good... I won't post picture of that as Mummy says there are already videoooooos - right below here.

Anyhooo! Gotza go! Daddys taking me outisde again. Oh HAPPY!
/Leiii - Ah!