But.. on this shorter distance, "come" seems to be a bit harder =)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Day 4 - Leia knows her name and "come"
Transcription of what is said (by me) in the video:
"Hi Leia, Hi girl! Hehehe, you're having fun, aren't you? "
"Yupp, there's candy in that pocket, you are quite right!"
"This is how fun one can have in the park!"
"Leia, come Leia! Come! Gooooood girl!"
Monday, March 30, 2009
10 weeks and 1 day
So, like... YEAH!
Yesterday was really really kewl! I got to go to something called a "perk" or "purk" or sumthin like that. I was wiz my two peplez (they is my home crew now. Like Mymmy and Daddy. YEAH! Thats what I'll call them. GOOD names! I'm such a smart puppy!) and a really old human that smelled almost like my "she" human. The old human brought a dog wiz her. It was a girl dog, and she said the humans call her "Ezter". STRANGE name! I likez Leiiii - Ah! much MUCH better!
It wazent a very big dog, just a bit bigger than me, so I thought we would play when we got to the pork (pirk? pyrk? No, duzzent sound right...). But noooooo. The old human kept picking up perfectly chewable sticks from the ground and threw them. And Ezter ran after them, but instead of chewing them (Like *I* wudda done!) she picked them up in her mouth and ran back to the humans with them. So the humans throws them again. STRANGE game! And booooooooriiiiiiing!
So, after I gotz tired of eating grass I started chasing Ezter. Every time she ran for the sticks I would run after her and try to ram her. But no matter how hard I runz, stoooopid Ezter runs faster. Mommy says its becuz Ezter is a "Jack Ruzel" and really high ener...gi? ge? gy? Anyway, I never ran after a dog that runs faster than me before. All my brothers and sistaz were REALLY easy to ram. That Ezter didn't even want to play with me. I Think she is a STRANGE dog!! But it was really really FUN to chase after her!
I didn't eat so much of my food yesterday and mommy was a little bit worried , until she figured out that she gives me food ALL the time. She keeps saying STRANGE words to me, and looks at me like I'm supposed to DO something?? So I try doing stuffses, and sometimes I think I must do stomething righjt because she, or daddy if he's the one saying the STRANGE words, says "Gooood Leiii - Ah!) and then they give me candy! That's great!! But the bestest thing with that is that when I do something that gets me candy they is also so HAPPY with me. They call me a good girl and rubs me and gives me looove. Now, if I can only figure out what is the right things to do... I usually get very confused... Its a very very STRANGE game! But I like the rubbing!
Aaaaaanyway! I wuz very tired when we got back from the purk... or, eh, the GREEN place with luts of grass. So I fell asleep and slept almost all the evening. Only woke up to get food and being taken out to do my bizniz. So of course, it wuz really hard to sleep all night. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out that if I sleep all evening I will be awake awake at night? But mummy and daddy looked at me funny when I was juzt telling them it was time for them to let me out of my crate and go do bizniz. So, ok, I told them kindda loudly. But they wuz SNORING! I had to be loud to hear myself over the noise!!
Mommy got out of her big sleeping basket (which is flat with no sides, STRANGE!) and took me outside so the I was happy. Just thought it was STRANGE that she was stumbling and mumbling about "ungodly hours of the night". Anyway, I fell back asleep once I did my bizniz and slept really well, so I REALLY don't see what the problem was!
All in all, a really nice day!
/Leeeiii - Ah!
Yesterday was really really kewl! I got to go to something called a "perk" or "purk" or sumthin like that. I was wiz my two peplez (they is my home crew now. Like Mymmy and Daddy. YEAH! Thats what I'll call them. GOOD names! I'm such a smart puppy!) and a really old human that smelled almost like my "she" human. The old human brought a dog wiz her. It was a girl dog, and she said the humans call her "Ezter". STRANGE name! I likez Leiiii - Ah! much MUCH better!
It wazent a very big dog, just a bit bigger than me, so I thought we would play when we got to the pork (pirk? pyrk? No, duzzent sound right...). But noooooo. The old human kept picking up perfectly chewable sticks from the ground and threw them. And Ezter ran after them, but instead of chewing them (Like *I* wudda done!) she picked them up in her mouth and ran back to the humans with them. So the humans throws them again. STRANGE game! And booooooooriiiiiiing!
So, after I gotz tired of eating grass I started chasing Ezter. Every time she ran for the sticks I would run after her and try to ram her. But no matter how hard I runz, stoooopid Ezter runs faster. Mommy says its becuz Ezter is a "Jack Ruzel" and really high ener...gi? ge? gy? Anyway, I never ran after a dog that runs faster than me before. All my brothers and sistaz were REALLY easy to ram. That Ezter didn't even want to play with me. I Think she is a STRANGE dog!! But it was really really FUN to chase after her!
I didn't eat so much of my food yesterday and mommy was a little bit worried , until she figured out that she gives me food ALL the time. She keeps saying STRANGE words to me, and looks at me like I'm supposed to DO something?? So I try doing stuffses, and sometimes I think I must do stomething righjt because she, or daddy if he's the one saying the STRANGE words, says "Gooood Leiii - Ah!) and then they give me candy! That's great!! But the bestest thing with that is that when I do something that gets me candy they is also so HAPPY with me. They call me a good girl and rubs me and gives me looove. Now, if I can only figure out what is the right things to do... I usually get very confused... Its a very very STRANGE game! But I like the rubbing!
Aaaaaanyway! I wuz very tired when we got back from the purk... or, eh, the GREEN place with luts of grass. So I fell asleep and slept almost all the evening. Only woke up to get food and being taken out to do my bizniz. So of course, it wuz really hard to sleep all night. Shouldn't be that hard to figure out that if I sleep all evening I will be awake awake at night? But mummy and daddy looked at me funny when I was juzt telling them it was time for them to let me out of my crate and go do bizniz. So, ok, I told them kindda loudly. But they wuz SNORING! I had to be loud to hear myself over the noise!!
Mommy got out of her big sleeping basket (which is flat with no sides, STRANGE!) and took me outside so the I was happy. Just thought it was STRANGE that she was stumbling and mumbling about "ungodly hours of the night". Anyway, I fell back asleep once I did my bizniz and slept really well, so I REALLY don't see what the problem was!
All in all, a really nice day!
/Leeeiii - Ah!
Leia Day 2
She is doing VERY well, our little girl! Slept like the baby she is all through the first night in her crate. Exhausted from all that had happened, no doubt. Not a single accident the first evening or the first night.
She did her "Bizniz" (her words, not mine) right away when we went on a walk in the morning. Well, walk... She is NOT used to collar and leash so it was more of a "drag" and a "carry".
We started practicing basic commands, and kept it up through the day. Initially we are working the hardest on contact/affirmation (Take and hold eye contact upon hearing her name) and the "come" command. She is doing very well for a 10 week puppy! Her treats are simply pellets of puppy food, and she preforms well for them - although I suspect we will have to get something tastier for later.
In the afternoon my mother showed up, with her Jack Russel "Esther" and we went to the park together. Esther loves running after sticks, but Leia seemed more interested in running after Esther :)
The whole day went by without a SINGLE accident in the house! I am SO proud of our little girl, especially as we live in a fourth floor apartment and even have to cross a street to get to her bathroom area. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect Leia has better control of her bladder than we were led to believe. We take her out at all the suggested times (After waking, after eating, after playing hard) but she only seems to actually pee about 4 times per day.
As Leia, would say, STRANGE!
She did her "Bizniz" (her words, not mine) right away when we went on a walk in the morning. Well, walk... She is NOT used to collar and leash so it was more of a "drag" and a "carry".
We started practicing basic commands, and kept it up through the day. Initially we are working the hardest on contact/affirmation (Take and hold eye contact upon hearing her name) and the "come" command. She is doing very well for a 10 week puppy! Her treats are simply pellets of puppy food, and she preforms well for them - although I suspect we will have to get something tastier for later.
In the afternoon my mother showed up, with her Jack Russel "Esther" and we went to the park together. Esther loves running after sticks, but Leia seemed more interested in running after Esther :)
The whole day went by without a SINGLE accident in the house! I am SO proud of our little girl, especially as we live in a fourth floor apartment and even have to cross a street to get to her bathroom area. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect Leia has better control of her bladder than we were led to believe. We take her out at all the suggested times (After waking, after eating, after playing hard) but she only seems to actually pee about 4 times per day.
As Leia, would say, STRANGE!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Day 1 - 10 Weeks - Homecoming
Right.. sooo... ummm....
*HI* all!
My name is Leiiii - ah! - or so I'm told. At least these funky new people keep saying those two syllables to me when they want my attention. When I want theirs, I just go "iiiih, ihhhh", as usual - but it doesn't seem to work very well, very annoying! My old mum always reacted to my iiiih-s, but these new people seem to give me more attention when I'm calm and quiet. Very strange!
Aaaaaaanyway! They came yesterday, and took me away from my mom and my sisters and brothers. That was WAY scary, man!!! We went in a big noisy thing for the longest time (well, the he and she said it was only 30 minutes but it FELT like a week). I cried half the way or so, but noone paid any attention to me. When I stopped crying a got a lot of kisses from this human who held me. I think that one is a "she". She smells really good, so I tried to lick her. She seemed to like that, but then I got sad and started whining again, and she started ignoring me again. Weird! So, I figured, I’d better be calm – cuz kissez are MUCH nicer than being ignored!
Sooo… we getz out of da strange big metal thingymajig and I’m in this WEIRD place man!!! I grew up in a nice big den and we had a nice big playarea outside with big walls around. It waz like, REALLY quiet and nice and stuff – essept when we were fighting. We were 7 so there waz LOTS of noise when we were fighting, it was WAY cool!
But this new place we got out at – woooeee! There were big metal thinigies everywhere! Some REALLY big metal thinigies making LOTZ of noise! That “she”-human was carrying me inside her big warm outer fur, that seemed to come off to let me in (STRANGE!) becuz it was cold. I was just settling down when she was walking and then this HUGE and SCREAMING metal things goes by and blows sprakz! I almost peed myself (my bladder is NOT big, ok??) then and there. “Hush baby, it’s just a tram, get used to it” says the she-thing (She smells REALLY good – did I mention that?) with no compassionz at ALL for my fright and plight! Zo, I calmed down and got kisses again. STRANGE!
Sssooooo… we get into this new den, that smells strongly of these two – the “she” that smells soooo good and the “he” that smells really nice to, but differnet, y’know? I’m so tired I could just die, but as soon as I had gotten two bites to eat they grab me and bring me outside AGAIN! Well, since my bladder was just about to burst I guess it was good. I’ve known like, FOREVER (at least 4 or 5 days) that you is supposed to do your “Bizniz” outside. The new peoplez (is it just me, or are they smelling nicer ALL the time? Almost a “home smell” now… STRANGE!) waz very happy at me doing my bizniz. Nobody has ever been happy at that before – there were 7 of uz so my old mom just tried to cound the puddles, it seemed. But these peoplez seemed almost, like, proud! STRANGE!
So I getz back up into that new den again after the bizniz and a big pillow that I CLEARLY remember from home is paced inside a little den – just a little bit bigger than I iz. That looks SO inviting. SO… I walked into the little den by myself and the she (that smells DELICIOUS!) closed a wiry kind of door on my nose. STRANGE!
Anyway, it felt kind of safe and snuggly and warm. First I whined a bit – and got ignored again! STRANGE! Then I calmed down and got lots of soft word and a hand that snuggled me real nice. Dunno if it was the he or she. They both smell so good. I thinkz I really, REALLY likez them. Funny, I don’t know why though…. I mean, really:
What's WRONG with theze peoplez?? When I iz sad I getz no attention and when I iz happy they dote on me. I hear themz talking about this "Seeezar Milaaan" guy when they talk about me, it seem he iz to blame. Note to self – find out who he IZ and then kill Seezar!
Hey you peoplez, more later! Me is zooooo tired now.
Night night!
*HI* all!
My name is Leiiii - ah! - or so I'm told. At least these funky new people keep saying those two syllables to me when they want my attention. When I want theirs, I just go "iiiih, ihhhh", as usual - but it doesn't seem to work very well, very annoying! My old mum always reacted to my iiiih-s, but these new people seem to give me more attention when I'm calm and quiet. Very strange!
Aaaaaaanyway! They came yesterday, and took me away from my mom and my sisters and brothers. That was WAY scary, man!!! We went in a big noisy thing for the longest time (well, the he and she said it was only 30 minutes but it FELT like a week). I cried half the way or so, but noone paid any attention to me. When I stopped crying a got a lot of kisses from this human who held me. I think that one is a "she". She smells really good, so I tried to lick her. She seemed to like that, but then I got sad and started whining again, and she started ignoring me again. Weird! So, I figured, I’d better be calm – cuz kissez are MUCH nicer than being ignored!
Sooo… we getz out of da strange big metal thingymajig and I’m in this WEIRD place man!!! I grew up in a nice big den and we had a nice big playarea outside with big walls around. It waz like, REALLY quiet and nice and stuff – essept when we were fighting. We were 7 so there waz LOTS of noise when we were fighting, it was WAY cool!
But this new place we got out at – woooeee! There were big metal thinigies everywhere! Some REALLY big metal thinigies making LOTZ of noise! That “she”-human was carrying me inside her big warm outer fur, that seemed to come off to let me in (STRANGE!) becuz it was cold. I was just settling down when she was walking and then this HUGE and SCREAMING metal things goes by and blows sprakz! I almost peed myself (my bladder is NOT big, ok??) then and there. “Hush baby, it’s just a tram, get used to it” says the she-thing (She smells REALLY good – did I mention that?) with no compassionz at ALL for my fright and plight! Zo, I calmed down and got kisses again. STRANGE!
Sssooooo… we get into this new den, that smells strongly of these two – the “she” that smells soooo good and the “he” that smells really nice to, but differnet, y’know? I’m so tired I could just die, but as soon as I had gotten two bites to eat they grab me and bring me outside AGAIN! Well, since my bladder was just about to burst I guess it was good. I’ve known like, FOREVER (at least 4 or 5 days) that you is supposed to do your “Bizniz” outside. The new peoplez (is it just me, or are they smelling nicer ALL the time? Almost a “home smell” now… STRANGE!) waz very happy at me doing my bizniz. Nobody has ever been happy at that before – there were 7 of uz so my old mom just tried to cound the puddles, it seemed. But these peoplez seemed almost, like, proud! STRANGE!
So I getz back up into that new den again after the bizniz and a big pillow that I CLEARLY remember from home is paced inside a little den – just a little bit bigger than I iz. That looks SO inviting. SO… I walked into the little den by myself and the she (that smells DELICIOUS!) closed a wiry kind of door on my nose. STRANGE!
Anyway, it felt kind of safe and snuggly and warm. First I whined a bit – and got ignored again! STRANGE! Then I calmed down and got lots of soft word and a hand that snuggled me real nice. Dunno if it was the he or she. They both smell so good. I thinkz I really, REALLY likez them. Funny, I don’t know why though…. I mean, really:
What's WRONG with theze peoplez?? When I iz sad I getz no attention and when I iz happy they dote on me. I hear themz talking about this "Seeezar Milaaan" guy when they talk about me, it seem he iz to blame. Note to self – find out who he IZ and then kill Seezar!
Hey you peoplez, more later! Me is zooooo tired now.
Night night!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The CyberDog - Again
[From the Persian Pregnancy Blog, Written by Emma, the Human]
Ok, so I know I meant this blog to be only about our persian girls - but I just HAVE to share another picture of Leia.
Today we went to see her again - for the last time before bringing her home. She is now old enough to build a relationsship with (9 weeks) and she immediately fell in love with Daniel. I can live with that, since I immediately fell in love with him too =)
Ok, so I know I meant this blog to be only about our persian girls - but I just HAVE to share another picture of Leia.
Today we went to see her again - for the last time before bringing her home. She is now old enough to build a relationsship with (9 weeks) and she immediately fell in love with Daniel. I can live with that, since I immediately fell in love with him too =)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
The CyberDog
[From the Persian Pregnancy Blog, Written by Emma, the Human]
In just one more week, Leia will come home. After more than a decade of breeding cats it's time to welcome to the first Cyberdog.
Meet Leia (or Xsanda Paint the Sky With Stars)
In just one more week, Leia will come home. After more than a decade of breeding cats it's time to welcome to the first Cyberdog.
Meet Leia (or Xsanda Paint the Sky With Stars)
The two pictures above show Leia at 9 weeks. Goofing around in her breeders garden =)
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